Montag, 13. April 2020

Situations, mirrors and mindfulness

Hello everyone,
While taking a walk today, I was inspired to write these lines:
Today I want to talk about circumstances in life, the importance of personal responsibility and awareness.
No matter if it is in my work as a recruiter, talent manager or therapist, I am lucky to work with different people in different situations (*later on described as circumstances in my text).
One thing I have noticed, is, that a lot of people tend to be stuck in some sort of self-made circumstances. It might sound a bit harsh, but yes, life, as it is today, is what you yourself created or decided for in the past. Every decision, every move and even every single thought result in consequences.
If we now consider that a human being is having 60’000-80’000 thoughts per day and 99% thereof are unconscious or even mostly negative or pattern driven, what sort of circumstance do you think, you are creating? Studies of the American Science Institute have shown that 80% of these thoughts are the same as the ones we had the day before.
People also tend to (unconsciously?) search for reasons for these circumstances or why they get stuck. Especially in challenging times as we are all in today, it’s easy to make ‘others’ responsible for our misery. What I hear very often these days, is: “if this corona virus didn’t happen”, “if it was just easier”, “if I just knew”. Now, let us think about these statements. They are self-made! And if there is a circumstance in your life, you’ve got 3 options: The first one: accept the circumstance as it is. If you cannot, option two is to change your attitude about it. If those two steps do now work for you either, then leave the situation! Now, how can you do this? First of all, it’s your choice and no-one else’s.
Now that you are aware that 99% of your thoughts are unconscious. 72% out of these are fleeting, insignificant thoughts that still have an impact on you and 25% of your thoughts are of harm to you and others; this leaves you to only 3% - only 1,800 out of 60,000 of our thoughts are constructive! Now, do you accept this? Again, you have 3 options.
As an optimistic person, I do see huge potential here: let’s assume 25% of harmful thoughts plus 72% of insignificant thoughts give each and every one of us the opportunity to reach 97% potential for improvement 😉
So, the next time you are having a situation, think about your 3 options, think about how you got into a certain situation and be mindful. Watching carefully the reaction of people in your environment as they are reflecting yourself.
How often do I hear people saying: “you are so lucky” or “if I was just like xy…” note to self: if you feel unlucky, ask yourself what makes you feel this way? Comparing to others always creates a feeling of deficiency, which then leads to not feeling whole, not being ok etc. I give you an example: if I feel “unlucky” I ask myself:” why do I feel this way?” “Since when do I feel this way?” Trying to relax my mind, accepting the feeling of being unlucky for a moment and listen to myself. Meditating for example is a great way to become mindful and aware. And then figure out what created this feeling for me? Our body is a great instrument, it will play a note (or a feeling) to make us aware that we need to look at something at a deeper level, to find that wrong note, in order to correct it, and play our beautiful melody again. When I took a walk today, I was aware and found a four-leaf clover in the middle of a beautiful meadow and on the way back home, I saved a cat that was stuck in the sheep pen surrounded by an electric fence.
When you have a circumstance next time, ask yourself, do you want to be a bee that redistributes the nectar and helps others to bloom? Are you aware enough to find your four-leaf clover in the middle of your life or do you wait to be rescued by someone else?
Thank you for your time.

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